Kathy Freston
Kathy Freston is is a bestselling author with a focus on healthy living and conscious eating, a health activist, vegan fashion lover, and person obsessed with living and eating well consciously. I had the opportunity to interview Kathy on her healthy living strategies for cooking and eating right, and find out more about her background, bestselling books and favorite recipes.
In Kathy’s new book, Veganist: Lose Weight, Get Healthy, Change the World, she discusses how she made the switch from classic, meat and fat-laden comfort foods to plant-based substitutes to create the same dishes, not only healthier for her well-being, but also better for the ecosystem and reversing and preventing disease.
Veganist was an instant New York Times bestseller, as were two of her previous books – Quantum Wellness and The One. She has appeared frequently on national television, including The Oprah Winfrey Show, Ellen, The Dr. Oz Show, Good Morning America, The View, and Extra. She is a regular contributor to the The Huffington Post, and her work is consistently featured in many national publications.
The Lean
Kathy is also offering a limited number of signed copies of her book The Lean! – a 30-day plan for achievable, healthy, long lasting weight loss. The philosophy behind the book is about making choices to eat foods that are delicious, filling, and supportive of your weight loss goals. Each day of her 30-day plan, she asks you to make one simple change – from drinking more water, to swapping nondairy for cow’s milk, to exercising for a few minutes each day. Little by little, these changes will help you gain momentum and propel you towards your goals.
“Leaning in’ is a positive, sustainable way to lose weight and transform your health. It’s all about setting an intention for what you want, and then nudging yourself ever so gently in that direction.” – Kathy
For more of Kathy’s tips and suggestions for cooking, eating right and healthy living, visit her shop on OpenSky.com — the premiere social network for shopping where you can connect with experts in health, food, design and style for exclusive information, advice and insider product recommendations.
***Now for the exclusive interview with Kathy where she discusses about her background, healthy living strategies and cooking tips in more detail.
1. Can you tell me a little bit about your nutrition / culinary training and professional background?
I am just your average food obsessed gal with no culinary training, which is why I enlisted the help of Chef Dayna Mcleod to come up with some super easy and delicious recipes to accompany the weight loss plan!
And on the nutritional front, I’m a researcher rather than a dietician, so I track down the best and most definitive peer reviewed studies on how food affects our health and weight; I try to pull it all together so that the science is easy to understand and applicable to anyone’s daily life.
I’m lucky to know and work with some of the nutrition science rock stars of our time, like Drs. Dean Ornish, Andrew Weil, Caldwell Esselstyn of the Cleveland Clinic, T. Colin Campbell, Professor Emeritus of Nutritional Biochemistry at Cornell University, and Neal Barnard, professor of medicine at George Washington University. I use their work and expertise to substantiate the medical soundness of The Lean plan.
2. When did you realize you wanted to be a nutrition and healthy living expert? Who in your career has inspired you most? What did you learn from them?
My interest in health was first born out of vanity! I wanted to lose weight, have clear skin, and look attractive… all things that had eluded me until I started changing the way I approached food. But vanity was soon taken over when I learned that nutrition could add years (many years) to my life by preventing and reversing disease. THAT’S empowering!
I’ve been inspired most by the people who have lost weight – whether it was 30, 100, or 200 pounds – and turned their health around. They are the best story tellers and motivators because when they share the steps they took and tell how they felt along the way, you can feel in your bones that you can do it too. I love those people; they are game changers – not only for themselves, but for their families and communities, too!
3. Can you tell us a little bit about your healthy living strategies and what makes your menus and healthy eating plans unique?
Here’s my belief: life is meant to be enjoyed, and food is a big part of that. So much of our comfort and joy is connected to enjoying traditional favorites with our friends and family. I’m a big fan of continuing to enjoy the traditional foods we grew up loving, but just upgrading them a bit so that they are healthier. I love pasta with sausage, for instance; so I’ll opt for pasta made from brown rice (you cannot tell the difference between it and white flour pasta) and veggie sausage instead of the fatty stuff from animals. I love tostadas and burritos; but I’ll have them with black beans rather than beef or chicken with all the fixins (nondairy sour cream rather than dairy, though). I love all things creamy, but I make them with cashew cream so that it’s easier on the body. No white-knuckle, hard core discipline – just healthier versions of the things we already love!
4. Can you tell me a little more about your book and eating plan The Lean, and some of the basics key points and advantages behind it?
The Lean is about getting lean in the body, but it’s also about “leaning in” to the process easily and gradually. You have one new task to do each of the 30 days of the plan, and what you do on Day 1, you will also be doing on Day 2, Day 3, etc; so by the end of the 30 days, you will have 30 wonderful new habits that will have crowded out some old bad habits!
5. Can you give us some quick tips and strategies on weight loss and nutrition?
Here are 3 little things you can do right away that will help you begin leaning:
1. Eat an apple a day. The fiber fills you up and keeps your blood sugar steady. The pectin from apples is actually twice as good as other fiber, because it leaves your stomach twice as slowly so you feel fuller longer. Eat one before a meal and you’ll eat far less calories!
2. Drink 8 glasses of water, 8 times a day. This keeps your metabolism (and every other system in your body) running optimally. In regards to weight loss, it’s called pre-loading: people who drink 2 cups of water before meals in a study lost 5 pounds of fat more than people who didn’t drink water in a 12 week period. Easy peasy!
3. Add 2 Tbs ground flax seeds to your food every day (in a smoothie or soup, for instance, or mixed in with oatmeal); the fiber adds volume to your food and fills you up so you are satisfied for hours. And flax has a powerful antioxidant in it called lignans, which are cancer preventative.
Notice how weight loss and health go hand in hand?!
6. What is your signature dish or your favorite recipe, and would you be willing to share it?
Well, there are many (I can say that since I didn’t write the recipes!). I love, love the recipe for cashew cream that I borrowed from Chef Tal Ronnen for the book. All you do is soak raw cashews in water overnight, and then blend them (at a very high speed) with fresh water the next day to get delicious cream that you can use as a sauce, a base for soup, or anything you would have used heavy cream for! It’s way less fattening than dairy, and has zero cholesterol! I also love this Soy Milk Maker because you can make fresh soy milk, almond milk, and cashew milk instantly! Its also great because you can use it to make porridges and pureed soups for a healthier meal option.
7. What are your favorite ingredients to cook with and why?
I really like adding fruits to meals because they make the dishes sweet and textured. I love mango salsa on black bean cakes (recipe in The Lean), sliced pears in salad, or a sprinkling of goji berries into a soup for an extra dash of health.
8. When cooking at home, what do you like to prepare for yourself?
I could live quite easily on soups and salads. I get all my nutrition – protein, complex carbs, and veggies – from them, and they are super hearty and fulfilling. And did I mention easy? Also, when I make a soup or chili, I make at least double what I need and freeze half of it for a later date when I may not have time to cook.
9. What are your favorite cookbooks/books that you recommend (besides yours!) to help readers eat healthier and more nutritiously?
If you are a real chef – or aspire to cook like one – I love The Conscious Cook by my friend Tal Ronnen. His dishes are exquisite!
10. Is there anything else you’d like to tell us about yourself?
I’m all about progress, not perfection! I believe that we can all lean into healthy changes, one small step at a time.
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